Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reflection Post

Not a lot of events in my life had a significant impact on my life so i remember the ones that did happen clearly and in great detail. One such event was in third grade i had a problem with blaming people and everything else except myself for my own shortcomings and failures, but then again i guess so did a lot of kids my age. It was like if i got trouble for talking i would blame it on the person i was talking with and cause a huge problem and a ugly mess. If I failed a test i blamed the teacher for not teaching me properly although i knew well enough i had not payed attention. Or i really didn't get it and didn't ask for help even though i knew i desperately needed it. So after a half of year of failures my parents were called in and im not sure what i did but i had an epiphany about how my actions were affecting my classmates, myself, and my future. So i buckled down and soon i became known as one of the smartest kids in my class and my teacher kept making jokes about how she was going to bring in everyones parents to make them work as hard as i had started working. It made me feel accomplished and as if you werent born smart but you had to work to attain the knowledge you gained and you had to work hard for good grades. So in my memories this was the point in time i stopped at the crossings between a delinquent and a good student and i turned the other way back and i havent ever turned around since although i do get lazy sometimes and procrastinate more than i should.

1 comment:

  1. An epiphany in third grade! This is a great story to share because it is universal in theme... taking responsibility for one's self.
