1)Topographic-(pg 369.) R&FR
Source Sentence-The most distinctive topographic features would be the enormous mountain ranges arranged in linear patterns that extend for thousands of kilometers.
Context clue- since it mentions mountain ranges and patterns i can sort of guess taht topographic means land features.
Original Sentence- The topography of the himalias mountains is very treacherous and cold.
Definition-the relief features or surface configuration of an area.
2)Disdain-(pg 386) R&FR
Source Sentence-The withdrawn child eyed her teacher with a hostile disdain.
Context Clue-Since the child's look is hostile i think the kid is ticked off so it must mean angry with.
Definition-to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.
Original Sentence- The little girl looked at what her mother had served her for lunch and gave off a disdained look.
3)Psuedo- (pg 437)R&FR
Source Sentence- At thanksgiving, thousands of children parade in school pageants wearing plastic headdresses and psuedo-buckskin clothing.
Context Clue- since it is attached to buckskin im thinking that it might me mean something along the lines of half of or semi.
Definiton-almost, approaching, or trying to be.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Academic Relection=My Way Of Learning
My Spanish class is fun and its fun I guess because we talk just as much and goof around just as much as in reading class. I noticed that its in my nature to be a smart ass. I like to make jokes, even though they sometimes fail. However my nature of playfulness makes school less stressful and im able to enjoy it more and remember it more because im having fun and im not bored or falling asleep. I figure if its fun then ill remember it more compared to being somewhere in between sleep and unconsciousness. I seem to remember more about my classes compared to the classes I had last year where everyone sat in their own chair and did their own work. No one made eye contact or friends. I only was able to mess around a bit in my English 60 class and I remember mostly everyone’s name and the reading we did because I was allowed to make jokes of an appropriate nature and show my newly found friends what I was doing right to try to help them. Same thing happened this year with my Spanish class I learned new words, made new friends, and a had a lot of fun so it makes me want to continuer college and see if I can change my undecided nature to a more adamant position for a career. I hope that more of my classes are small and I can learn the way I have been learning. Also I didn’t get to know any of the teachers like I have in my Spanish Class or Reading 96 class. Since they are both small that makes it easier to learn I remember my English teacher saying last year that the more students there are in a class the learning curb goes down usually after 20 students. It makes sense that smaller numbers of students are allowed a bit more freedom than a class of 60 students in a lecture hall.
Calender 4/24/09
2.)Go to classes
3.)Go to Math lab one hour after reading class
4.)Wash my car
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Vocab Words
Words From TTTC
Ordnance pg 203-Source: I rigged up my special effects, ordnance and equipment we'd need.
Context Clue- Since he mentions equipment im going to guess that its probably a supply or something generally used in the military.
Definiton-military weapons with their equipment, ammunition, etc.
Original Sentence- The dropships contained boxes of ordnance to be dropped down to the areas in need of supplies.
Zeal pg 203-Source:I didn't have that patriotic zeal.
Context Clue- Since the only word i can relate to patriotic would be pride im guessing that's what zeal means.
Definiton-fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.
Original Sentence- i have a zeal for money making.
Gyroscope pg 205-Source:The hours go by and you lose your gyroscope.
Context Clue- Im not even going to try and youll see my reason why when you see the entire defenition.
Definition- an apparatus consisting of a rotating wheel so mounted that its axis can turn freely in certain or all directions, and capable of maintaining the same absolute direction in space in spite of movements of the mountings and surrounding parts: used to maintain equilibrium, determine direction, etc.
Ordnance pg 203-Source: I rigged up my special effects, ordnance and equipment we'd need.
Context Clue- Since he mentions equipment im going to guess that its probably a supply or something generally used in the military.
Definiton-military weapons with their equipment, ammunition, etc.
Original Sentence- The dropships contained boxes of ordnance to be dropped down to the areas in need of supplies.
Zeal pg 203-Source:I didn't have that patriotic zeal.
Context Clue- Since the only word i can relate to patriotic would be pride im guessing that's what zeal means.
Definiton-fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.
Original Sentence- i have a zeal for money making.
Gyroscope pg 205-Source:The hours go by and you lose your gyroscope.
Context Clue- Im not even going to try and youll see my reason why when you see the entire defenition.
Definition- an apparatus consisting of a rotating wheel so mounted that its axis can turn freely in certain or all directions, and capable of maintaining the same absolute direction in space in spite of movements of the mountings and surrounding parts: used to maintain equilibrium, determine direction, etc.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Reflection Post
Not a lot of events in my life had a significant impact on my life so i remember the ones that did happen clearly and in great detail. One such event was in third grade i had a problem with blaming people and everything else except myself for my own shortcomings and failures, but then again i guess so did a lot of kids my age. It was like if i got trouble for talking i would blame it on the person i was talking with and cause a huge problem and a ugly mess. If I failed a test i blamed the teacher for not teaching me properly although i knew well enough i had not payed attention. Or i really didn't get it and didn't ask for help even though i knew i desperately needed it. So after a half of year of failures my parents were called in and im not sure what i did but i had an epiphany about how my actions were affecting my classmates, myself, and my future. So i buckled down and soon i became known as one of the smartest kids in my class and my teacher kept making jokes about how she was going to bring in everyones parents to make them work as hard as i had started working. It made me feel accomplished and as if you werent born smart but you had to work to attain the knowledge you gained and you had to work hard for good grades. So in my memories this was the point in time i stopped at the crossings between a delinquent and a good student and i turned the other way back and i havent ever turned around since although i do get lazy sometimes and procrastinate more than i should.
Vocab List
1)Elusive(TTTC pg 170)-
Context Clue-"he seemed to be chasing some creature just beyond reach, something elusive, a fish or a frog."; Since is says chasing and beyond reach i can infer that elusive means something hard to grasp, attain, or catch.
Original Sentence-The fugitive had been elusive from the police for years.
Definition-eluding clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define
2)Traction (TTTC pg 174)
Context Clue-I was hard to get traction; with each movement the muck would grip their feet and hold tight.; Since it has something to do with restricted movement and since it also mentions it was hard to get "traction" i can infer that traction means forward movement.
Original Sentence-Since the roads were wet the car had poor "traction" and could not avoid the accident.
Defintion-the adhesive friction of a body on some surface, as a wheel on a rail or a tire on a road
3)Happenstance(TTTC pg 175)
Context Clue- "Because even the rain was preferable to being sucked under a shit field, and because it was all a matter of luck and happenstance"; Since it happenstance sounds like circumstance and seems to have the same meaning i can infer that happenstance means that its dependent on certain events.
Original Sentence- It was a matter of happenstance that i was able to find parking this morning.
Definition-a chance happening or event.
Context Clue-"he seemed to be chasing some creature just beyond reach, something elusive, a fish or a frog."; Since is says chasing and beyond reach i can infer that elusive means something hard to grasp, attain, or catch.
Original Sentence-The fugitive had been elusive from the police for years.
Definition-eluding clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define
2)Traction (TTTC pg 174)
Context Clue-I was hard to get traction; with each movement the muck would grip their feet and hold tight.; Since it has something to do with restricted movement and since it also mentions it was hard to get "traction" i can infer that traction means forward movement.
Original Sentence-Since the roads were wet the car had poor "traction" and could not avoid the accident.
Defintion-the adhesive friction of a body on some surface, as a wheel on a rail or a tire on a road
3)Happenstance(TTTC pg 175)
Context Clue- "Because even the rain was preferable to being sucked under a shit field, and because it was all a matter of luck and happenstance"; Since it happenstance sounds like circumstance and seems to have the same meaning i can infer that happenstance means that its dependent on certain events.
Original Sentence- It was a matter of happenstance that i was able to find parking this morning.
Definition-a chance happening or event.
Weekly Calender 3/27/09
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