Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vocab list

1.Flam: (E&FR pg 381)
original sentence: "If you were asked whether you would rather be the victim of a hoax, a fraud, or a flam, what would you say?"
Knowing that hoax and fraud is the same thing i can infer that flam probably means the same thing as a hoax or a fraud.
verbatum definiton: a deception or trick.
2.Emulate (E&FR pg 390)
original sentence: "These types of films also give our young people the introduction to real accessible heroes about whom they can learn more and perhaps even emulate."
Since children are always trying to copy thier heroes i can make a educated guess that emulate means to copy or impersonate.
verbatum definition: to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
3.refutation: (E&FR pg 439)
original sentence: "An effective arguement often includes a refutation of counterarguments a line of reasoning that can be used to deny or refute what the writer is arguing for"
Context clue: they compare deny and refute so i can infer that refute means to deny an arguement since arguement and counterarguments are menttioned, so in other words argue a opposing view.
verbatum definition: Something, such as an argument, that refutes someone or something.

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