Thursday, March 26, 2009


yes i know its late but my computer broke down and i had to do a system restore and i forgot about it and since theres no harm in doing it i hope youll give me partial credit if not its still okay.

Reflection Post

Studying new vocabulary words has had me notice different things such as if i smell something i might think of the word putrid which leads me to think of squalid and i remeber what it means. So different every day connection keep me from forgetting the word and i tend to use it more in my writing. I do notice a lot of the words ive learned and the new words im learning are useful but half the time a lot of people dont know those words and have no clue what im talking about. When im learning a new word now i just tend to relate it to one word that i already know such as my example above i know the word putrid and and i know that squalid means dirty and or filthy, but it can also mean piquant which is a strong pungent smell. So by mememorizing one word i can memorize a huge array of other words with little to no effort on my behalf. As i mentioned earlier i did find myself using about half the words ive learned and the stories we made in class this week make it funny to rememeber the words. Im remembering about seventy five to eighty five percent of all the words im remembering inevitably i cant memorize them all some are just too odd and uncommon for english words when you could just say it in lamens terms and get your point across much easier.

Vocab list

1.Flam: (E&FR pg 381)
original sentence: "If you were asked whether you would rather be the victim of a hoax, a fraud, or a flam, what would you say?"
Knowing that hoax and fraud is the same thing i can infer that flam probably means the same thing as a hoax or a fraud.
verbatum definiton: a deception or trick.
2.Emulate (E&FR pg 390)
original sentence: "These types of films also give our young people the introduction to real accessible heroes about whom they can learn more and perhaps even emulate."
Since children are always trying to copy thier heroes i can make a educated guess that emulate means to copy or impersonate.
verbatum definition: to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass
3.refutation: (E&FR pg 439)
original sentence: "An effective arguement often includes a refutation of counterarguments a line of reasoning that can be used to deny or refute what the writer is arguing for"
Context clue: they compare deny and refute so i can infer that refute means to deny an arguement since arguement and counterarguments are menttioned, so in other words argue a opposing view.
verbatum definition: Something, such as an argument, that refutes someone or something.

Weekly Calender 3/20/09

Things to do
1.Drop off dad daily
2.Pick up Dad and Pati daily
3.go to classes
4.go to math lab for an hour

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reflection Post #2

This past week looking back i did everything i planned to do with my classes and my reading. I was able to do my reading for Read 96. Using what i learned so far i annotated, rephrased titles to make them into questions, highlighted the first sentence of every new heading, and highlighted all the important parts to make rereading easier. Using such techniques i was able to rememeber most of the answers for the quiz this friday. My Math class went as planned and i breezed through that and it still doesnt seem to be getting any harder. My spanish class is pretty easy since im a native speaker already i dont really need to concentrate on anything other than spelling but i still use some of highlighting and annotating to remember new words i never knew. Now looking forward my Math class still seems like its on the same direction so i dont plan to change anything there. My reading class has stabilized over the last several weeks and ive gotten used to the workload all i need to do is utilize the new patterns and graphs we've learned over the past week and ill be fine. My spanish class is still the same with occasional quizzes here and there but no increase in difficulty, workload, or reading so i dont plan on changing anything there either.

Weekly Calender 3/13/09

1)Pick up Mom and patty
2)Go to Spanish Class and do Spanish online homework
3)Go to Math class
4)Go to Math Lab 50 mins sometime during the week

Vocab Words # 4

Tangible(TTTC pg 155)
Original Sentence: At one point he had enrolled in the junior college in his hometown, but the course work, he said, seemed too abstract, too distant, with nothing real or tangible at stake, certainly not the stakes of a war.
Dictionary Verbatum-real or actual, rather than imaginary or visionary

Omit(TTTC pg 159.)
Original Sentence:I had been forced to omit the shit field and the rain and the death of Kiowa, replacing this material with events that better fit the book's narrative.
Context Clue: From the way the sentence is worded i can infer that omit means to leave out something.
Dictionary Verbatum:to leave out; fail to include or mention

Fritter(TTTC pg 196)
Original Sentence: You just don't fritter away all your luck.
Context Clue:From the orignal sentence i can guess that fritter means to throw away.
Dicitonay Verbatum: to squander or disperse piecemeal

Sunday, March 15, 2009


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Sign by Danasoft - Get Your Free Sign

Friday, March 6, 2009

Reflection Post

In the coming weeks it seems as though my Math class, for the most part has passed the difficult curriculum. My Spanish class is easy because I am a native speaker so i dont really need to worry about studying, but i do need to get my online work done before the next quiz. My Read 96 class, this class has a bit of a hefty burden but if i spread it through the week i can usually get it done with ease. Lately my big sister's and father's problems has been affecting my schoolwork and the time i am able to sleep. My sister and father crashed thier cars and ive been taking them to work. I wake up at 4:30 am Monday through friday just to take my dad to work, come back eat breakfast go pick up my little sister and mom to take them to her school(mom and sister live in a different house), come back take my older sister to work, lately ive been spending about three to four hours daily just driving on the freeways and i rarely have time to spend on my homework or myself. luckily my sister's car is supposed to be fixed by afternoon today so i wont have to take her to work anymore which will shave about an hour and forty five minutes of driving. But unfortunately i still need to take my father to and from work. Fortunately my work doesnt start until next week since i work at the Angel stadium. So until my father buys another car i need to get my work done in my spare time, so that i can be able to sleep all night instead of doing homework the night before. Fortunately after reading most of my reading and utilizing SQ3R i wont need to spend a long time studying and can rest with ease instead of cramming the night before, i will only need to spend time on the important parts ive already highlighted. My key terms and important dates have symbols next to them to help me indicate that they are important. My texts have been highlight to summarize the difficult parts of the reading. My math and spanish classes are easy and to the point already so i dont really need to use SQ3R in them.

Vocab list #3

Attrition-(pg.948 Firsthand America)
Context Clue-"Ho's native forces knew the land and fought an effective guerrilla war of attrition" from this passage i can infer that it has something to do with the wearing down of American Forces.
Verbatum Definition-a wearing down or weakening of resistance, esp. as a result of continuous pressure or harassment

Clandestine-(pg.951 Firsthand America)
Context Clue- "Washington also expanded the elaborate clandestine war against North Vietnam" from this passage i can infer that clandestine has something to do with a sneaky sense.
Verbatum Definition- kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
Dissedents-(pg.947 Firsthand America)
Context Clue-"the following day he referred to sstudent dissidents as "bums"" from this passage i can guess that dissidents means someone with an opposing idea.
Verbatum Definition- Disagreeing, as in opinion or belief

Calender week 3/6/09

Things to do
1)Pick up Mom and Patty
2)Go to school
3)Drop Dad off at work